Friday, June 17, 2011

Regarding New York's Push for Same-sex Marriage

Rev. Jason McGuire, head of New York for Constitutional Freedoms, which represents evangelicals, has logged several late night hours in Albany monitoring the senators' discussions and debates. He has also been on what he's calling, "The May Day for Marriage Tour," traveling the state in a 32-foot RV speaking out against the marriage bill.

McGuire claims the legislation has a "fake religious liberty exemption," saying that New York already has thousands and thousands of civil rights laws targeting discrimination that will be used against churches and individuals who fail to perform or support same-sex marriage. McGuire claims the law would then "deny us our right to participate fully in our society and be faithful to our religious beliefs."

The Jewish Orthodox group Agudath Israel of America has also been lobbying lawmakers for months. This week it sent a letter to each one saying, "At the most basic level, our opposition to same-sex marriage is an expression of our religious tradition, as it is, no doubt, for millions of New Yorkers of all faiths."

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