Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Leading British Atheist Becomes a Christian

LONDON - One of Britain's most famous journalists and outspoken atheists Peter Hitchens has become a Christian...

In his book, Peter said his return to Christianity was a process over many years. He writes about a moment in his journey back to faith when, as an atheist, he genuinely feared God. It was when he gazed on Rogier van der Weyden's painting "The Last Judgment," which shows the terror on the faces of those condemned to Hell.
"They've obviously just heard the last trump," Peter said. "And one of them was actually vomiting with fright."
"And it just came through that I might be judged. And I was scared. I still am," he revealed. "One of my reasons for my change is that I am scared. But then again, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

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